Buchete FloriBouquet of 15 white roses in a box

Bouquet of 15 white roses in a box

Delivery in

24-48 hours


Secure PaymentPCI Security Standards Council compliant

Greeting card giftYou will receive a gift card for each order placed!

Certified qualityPremium quality flowers bought from Internationally certified growers

Product Description

This box consists of: 15 white roses and a box. What does flowers with 24-48 hour delivery mean? It means that your flowers will be delivered through a fast courier company. Depending on the time of day you place the order, the flowers can reach you the very next day. For example, if you place your order by 3:00 pm, our colleagues have time to make the bouquet, pack it properly and have it picked up by the courier to be delivered the next day. Instead, if the order is placed later, we will wait for the next day to be able to deliver it to the courier. What does boxed flowers mean? The bouquet you choose will be properly packaged in a cardboard box, which we will seal and send to you via express courier services. Will the flowers reach me in good condition? Don't worry about the freshness of the flowers. We pack them carefully so that they do not break or deteriorate. In addition, the stems have a reserve of water to get as fresh as possible to you. Why choose this type of product? The bouquets in this category are made of resistant, seasonal flowers. These bouquets were designed to be as economical and advantageous as possible. You will buy this bouquet of flowers at a competitive price, significantly lower than other similar products. Will the bouquet look exactly like in the picture? Yes, we strive for each bouquet to be identical to the one shown in the picture. However, please keep in mind that we work with natural flowers, so their shape and shade may be slightly different. Many times, we prefer to send the flowers in the form of buds, so that you can keep them in the vase as long as possible. Can I give these flowers as a gift? You can, but if you want to make a special surprise, we advise you to choose a product from the other categories: a courier will personally hand the bouquet to your loved one, in just two hours.
ID: 191936

Product Compositio

Contains: 15 white roses


Florile pe care le folosim sunt mereu proaspete. Astfel, în unele cazuri ele pot fi sub formă de boboci. Aceștia se vor deschide în maxim 24 de ore, dacă în încăpere sunt între 23 și 25 de grade Celsius. Persoana care va primi acest produs se poate bucura mult mai mult de prospețimea lui, în acest caz!

Pretul produsului include o felicitare personalizata cu textul ales de Dumneavoastra. Livrarea buchetelor de flori se face prin curier propriu. Poza prezinta un buchet de flori / aranjament floral real, asa cum a fost realizat si livrat la comanda online a unui client Floria. Accesoriile speciale (vaza, invelis) nu sunt incluse in pret. Alege cea mai profesionista florarie online. Comanda flori online cu livrate rapida si gratuita - 2 ore in Bucuresti si in cele mai importante orase din tara.