Buchete FloriTrandafiriBouquet of 9 pink roses

Bouquet of 9 pink roses

Delivery in

2-4 hours


Secure PaymentPCI Security Standards Council compliant

Greeting card giftYou will receive a gift card for each order placed!

Certified qualityPremium quality flowers bought from Internationally certified growers

Product Description

Bouquet of 9 pink roses. A surprising bouquet, ready to make waves at any time. You just have to choose the person you want to surprise and the right moment. The bouquet of 9 pink roses took care of the rest. Order it now! You have free delivery, in over 100 cities in the country. In addition, each Bouquet of 9 pink roses is delivered together with a gift card. Properly cared for, the bouquet can last in the vase for up to 2 weeks. Flower tails must be cut daily, at an angle of 45 degrees. The water must be changed daily.
ID: 22671

Product Compositio

Contains: 9 pink roses


The flowers we use are always fresh. Thus, in some cases, they may be in the form of buds. These will open within a maximum of 24 hours if the room temperature is between 23 and 25 degrees Celsius. The person receiving this product can enjoy its freshness much more in this case!

The price of the product includes a personalized greeting card with the text of your choice. Flower bouquet delivery is made through our own courier service. The photo displays a real flower bouquet/arrangement as it was created and delivered for an online order by a Floria customer. Special accessories (vase, wrapping) are not included in the price. Choose the most professional online florist.