Aranjamente FloralePlante Flori ApartamentCyclamen flower arrangement in pots - Houseplants

Cyclamen flower arrangement in pots - Houseplants

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Product Description

This arrangement contains: 2 potted cyclamen plants, raffia basket, greenery. The shape of the basket may differ depending on the stock available. Size: about 30 cm Flowering care: Usually, the flowering of these perennials takes place from September to March. In the natural environment, it thrives in a cold and humid environment. If the room temperature exceeds 20 degrees Celsius during the day and 10 degrees Celsius at night, the flower will gradually move to a safe end. The main symptoms are: yellowing of the leaves and premature disappearance of the flowers. The second essential part of caring for cyclamen plants is irrigation. Both abundant watering and poor watering cause irreparable damage. Try to find a middle ground, and also make sure that the plant benefits from excellent drainage. The soil suitable for cyclamen is slightly acidic and high in nutrients. In autumn and winter, keep the soil moist at all times. Use water-soluble fertilizers with confidence, but only once every 2 months, because the excess affects the re-flowering capacity of the plants. Cyclamen does not withstand drafts. Caring for Cyclamen Plants in the Vegetative Period: After a cyclamen flower blooms, the next step is to enter the dormancy phase, approximately between April and July. The transition from the active to the passive state creates the impression of a definitive end, but you must not be misled into this error. The passing of the flowers, the yellowing and the falling of the leaves are normal things, which must be done in order for the rebirth of next year to be possible. Simultaneously with the disappearance of the flowers, watering should be gradually reduced, and the tuber left in the pot should be kept in a cool place, in the shade.
ID: 213394

Product Compositio

Contains: 2 Cyclamen pots


Florile pe care le folosim sunt mereu proaspete. Astfel, în unele cazuri ele pot fi sub formă de boboci. Aceștia se vor deschide în maxim 24 de ore, dacă în încăpere sunt între 23 și 25 de grade Celsius. Persoana care va primi acest produs se poate bucura mult mai mult de prospețimea lui, în acest caz!

Pretul produsului include o felicitare personalizata cu textul ales de Dumneavoastra. Livrarea buchetelor de flori se face prin curier propriu. Poza prezinta un buchet de flori / aranjament floral real, asa cum a fost realizat si livrat la comanda online a unui client Floria. Accesoriile speciale (vaza, invelis) nu sunt incluse in pret. Alege cea mai profesionista florarie online. Comanda flori online cu livrate rapida si gratuita - 2 ore in Bucuresti si in cele mai importante orase din tara.