

I. Identification of online retailer. The service is provided by SC FLORIA DIGITAL SRL.

Contact :

0758 Floria ( 0758 356 742 ) or 0746 746 746

Bucharest, district 1, blvd. Primaverii, no. 29, floor 1.

CUI RO41927820


II . About is a service e-commerce / commerce online / internet . Purchasing products is based on orders received on the website or by phone.
Products sold by SC FLORIA DIGITAL SRL are new.

III . Intellectual Property content and design , as well as any other material relating to this send by you by e -mail or provided by you through any other means (eg articles , design, product description and any other material ) belong to the Company and / or its collaborators - where this is expressly stated ( copyright) and are protected by intellectual property laws . You can not use , reproduce or allow anyone to use or reproduce the materials of without having a written prior permission of the Company .
It is allowed limited making, non-exclusive and irrevocable of hyperlinks to the index page, as long as this action does not present services in a false , misleading , derogatory or offensive comprehend.
For any issues related to intellectual property please contact us by e- mail: .

IV . Registering as a user site can be accessed free of charge and simple navigation in its pages is subject to registration as a user ( creating an account on the site ) . To benefit of certain services offered by the site and purchase products offered by this, to receive the newsletter or to check the status of your orders , you will need to register as a user ( to create user account on the site ) . Registration as a user involving acceptance of Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy of These regulations are based on a contractual relationship between the user and Company.
Because Terms and Conditions of Use may be changed , please reread them periodically. If you will not agree with these provisions , please do not access / use services of If you use this site you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of access data on your user account created on the site and you agree to assume responsibility for all activities performed in your user account . site can sell products to children under 14 (fourteen ) years, only with a parent or guardian , who are authorized to make payments online by credit card or any other method of payment accepted by . reserves the right to terminate the accounts of users , modify or delete texts, images , hyperlinks or refuse the sale of goods at its discretion.

V. Personal Information / Privacy Policy
By registering as a user of we will ask for some personal information such as name, e-mail address , date of birth , and other personal information , allowing you to identify as a user of service and order processing . Also, subscribe to newsletters or alerts will need to provide us a valid e-mail address , and other data about you. These personal data will be used exclusively by the Company who operates www.floria . ro , for the purposes for which it was collected and for which you have consented . They will not be sold to third parties. SC FLORIA DIGITAL SRL is the registered operator of personal data -registration number ANSPDCP: 0010105 / 05.24.2013

VI . Purchasing procedures
To buy and take possession of products offered for sale on is required the following steps:

  • Identifying and choosing products
  • Your registration as a user of
  • Payment products
    Payment is made online or via bank transfer / wire , according covered in Chapter VII , and the final cost price of the product ordered will include VAT and, if applicable, delivery price .
    By placing an order by mail or telephone you agree form of communication ( telephone or e -mail ) that the site runs his operations .

VII . How to buy

VII.1 . Prices
Except where otherwise stated , the prices displayed on represent the final purchase prices and they include VAT ( value added tax of 19% , available in Romania ) . Purchase prices are final prices suggested by the manufacturer or supplier or can be estimated according to standard prices in the industry marketed product . Purchase final prices may not represent the most competitive prices on a particular segment of products or for a certain period .

VII.2 . Methods of payment
For payment of products ordered , you can choose between the following payment methods : online by credit card, bank transfer / payment order, by SMS or cash / cash on delivery. If you choose bank transfer as a payment method / payment order , the next screen will thank you for the order placed and provides information about the order and payment. This information will receive e- mail in the form of an invoice . If you choose to pay cash / cash after placing the order you will receive an e- mail the relevant information for your order, an invoice form and will make payment to courier the product .

VIII Reviews , comments, communications and other content
Users may post reviews , comments or other content , submit suggestions , ideas , to ask questions , can submit articles or other materials , as long as their contents :

  • It is not illegal, obscene , threatening, defamatory, does not infringe the right to privacy or the law on the protection of intellectual property;
  • Does not contain viruses, commercial communications , political, hateful or intolerance based on ethnic, religious , racial, sexual orientation, or other forms of collective message of "spam" .
    In order posting reviews , comments, communications and other content , you can not use e- mail or misrepresentation. reserves the right, but has no obligation to remove or edit all the content posted by users and has no obligation to periodically review this content . With the posting of reviews , comments, communications and other content on , send (unless otherwise indicated in the Company ) , intellectual property rights , in a non-exclusive , perpetual, irrevocable , of the material posted. The Company has the right to modify , reproduce , transmit, adapt, publish , distribute materials posted by users, by any means of mass communication , in any country. By posting reviews , comments, communications and other content on , the Company assigned the right to use your name in relation to the material posted , you warrant that you own or control in another form of intellectual property right materials you post, the material posted does not violate any of the conditions posting of reviews, commentaries , communications and other content from the users of has the right but not the obligation to monitor , edit or delete any Content or activities of users on the site. is not responsible and does not assume responsibility for any of the material posted by any third party site. has the right not to publish all the comments and articles suggested by users.